The Shipping Law Blog
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Emerging Incident: Fred Olsen Cruise Ship “Boudicca” on fire off the coast of Spain (25 January 2015)

Early reports are outlining an incident onboard the cruise ship “Boudicca”, which appears to have gone on fire whilst sailing off the coast of Spain as part of a Mediterranean cruise.

Vessel: Cruise Ship “Boudicca” (IMO No. 7218395)

P & I Club: Skuld

GT: 28,551

Build: 1973 (42 years old)

Flag: Bahamas

Operator: Fred Olsen Cruise Lines Ltd.

Numbers Onboard: up to 850 passengers potentially onboard. 

Voyage: Unknown.

Incident: Further details are awaited on the extent of the incident. At present there are reports from passengers that a fire began in the Engine room at 4am, whilst the vessel was sailing off the coast of Morocco. The ship took on a list, and passengers were awoken and told to put on emergency life jackets. The vessel is now thought to be operating under auxiliary engines and sailing towards Lanzarote.

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